Dental Insights

Dr. Wright takes a deep dive into some of the most talked about dental services. For more information, we encourage everyone to call us at 304.267.6059

What Are Dental Implants?


Dental implants are a great option for those who would like a natural-looking and long-lasting dental solution. Let’s have a closer look at what implants are, who they are right for, and how the surgery works. What Are Dental Implants?…

Root Canal: Purpose, Procedure, and Risks 


Although a common procedure, a root canal is often dreaded more than other dental procedures, but is nothing to be feared. Those suffering from a severe cavity, a chipped tooth, or an infection in the tooth often require root canal…

What To Do For a Chipped Tooth


Your teeth are one of the strongest parts of your body, but there may come a time when you break or chip a tooth. A chipped tooth is an incredibly common dental issue and is usually not a serious issue…

Gum Disease: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention


Inflamed, swollen, or infected gums can be detrimental to your overall oral health. When gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is left untreated, it can result in loose teeth, bad breath, and bleeding gums. Learn more about how to detect…

Giving Your Gums the Care They Need


Paying attention to your gums is very important if you wish to maintain the best oral health possible. This firm, fleshy part of your mouth is the foundation for your teeth, so keeping it in great shape will give your…

How Does Being Pregnant Affect My Teeth?


When your pregnant your body goes through a lot of changes, like producing larger quantities of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These changes affect virtually all of your body’s functions, and they can lead to problems with your teeth and…

Teeth Whitening 101


A bright smile is considered the cornerstone of a perfect smile. For many people, white teeth are associated with good oral health and many people opt for teeth whitening treatments. Although your teeth can be healthy without being extremely white,…

Remedies for a Toothache


Odds are, you’ve probably experienced a toothache at a time or two in your life. There are several reasons you may have a toothache ranging from minor to severe. If you’re experiencing a toothache, always consult your dentist; however, there…

Taking Care of Braces


While most people don’t particularly enjoy having braces, they are a great way to get a straight smile and maintain healthy teeth. Taking excellent care of your teeth is particularly important when you wear braces.  You will likely have to…

Safe Dental Work During Pregnancy


You’re pregnant, congratulations! You may be concerned how pregnancy is going to affect your dental health. In the past, many pregnant women avoided dental work because they were worried about the effects on the baby. But this isn’t always necessary.…

Recent Posts
How Long Does Gingivitis Take to Clear Up?
Lifespan of Dental Implants
Should You Get Your Teeth Whitened?
Wisdom Teeth Removal and Recovery
How Medication Affects Teeth
10 Ways to Prevent Cavities
Dental Moments
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