Dental Insights

Dr. Wright takes a deep dive into some of the most talked about dental services. For more information, we encourage everyone to call us at 304.267.6059

Can Gingivitis Be Cured?


The first sign of gum disease, gingivitis often presents with tender gums, redness, and bleeding when brushing and flossing. At Cornerstone Dental, we’re often asked about whether this condition can be cured, and the good news is that it can…

8 Benefits Flossing Has on Your Health


Flossing plays a significant role in not only the health of our teeth, but our overall health and well-being. Many individuals underestimate the role of flossing in their health and omit this from their oral care routine. We understand its…

Wisdom Teeth 101


When we think of growing pains, we usually think of early childhood, but many of us face another kind of growing pain well into our late teens and even twenties: the emergence of our wisdom teeth. These molars, typically the…

Dental Veneers: What are they and what they do?


Dental veneers offer a solution for those looking to enhance the appearance of their teeth. A radiant smile can make a lasting impression, but while we all aspire to have perfect teeth, sometimes it takes some extra help from your…

11 Signs You Might Need a Root Canal


The prospect of needing a dental treatment such as a root canal might be daunting, but our team is here to help guide you through this process and help you decide whether this treatment is the best option for you.…

Cracked Tooth Signs and Treatment


A cracked tooth can manifest due to various reasons, from biting on hard foods to external injuries. While often unnoticed, they can have significant implications if not addressed promptly. At Cornerstone Dental in Martinsburg, WV, under the guidance of Dr.…

Dental Crown: What Is It and How It Works


A dental crown is a cap for a damaged or compromised tooth. Crowns provide stability to fragile or cracked teeth and offer cosmetic enhancements to teeth that are discolored. A proper crown will fully cover the entirety of your natural…

Is Mouthwash Really Necessary?


Mouthwash contains active ingredients, such as antimicrobial agents and fluoride, to promote overall oral health. It has become widely popular as an essential part of daily oral care routines, offering convenience and effectiveness in addressing various oral issues. But does…

Dental Bridge: What It Is and How It Works


Dental bridges are used to permanently replace one or more missing teeth. Missing teeth can lead to your teeth shifting, which can lead to misalignment issues or bite problems. What is a Dental Bridge? A dental bridge plays a vital…

Can Toothaches Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?


Toothaches can be incredibly disruptive, affecting not only our ability to eat and speak comfortably but also our work productivity and personal life. Additionally, tooth problems can even manifest as flu-like symptoms, adding to the overall discomfort. The connection between…

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How Long Does Gingivitis Take to Clear Up?
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