Dental Insights

Dr. Wright takes a deep dive into some of the most talked about dental services. For more information, we encourage everyone to call us at 304.267.6059

What To Do For a Chipped Tooth


Your teeth are one of the strongest parts of your body, but there may come a time when you break or chip a tooth. A chipped tooth is an incredibly common dental issue and is usually not a serious issue…

Gum Disease: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention


Inflamed, swollen, or infected gums can be detrimental to your overall oral health. When gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is left untreated, it can result in loose teeth, bad breath, and bleeding gums. Learn more about how to detect…

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What To Do if You Have a Cracked Tooth
How Long Does Gingivitis Take to Clear Up?
Lifespan of Dental Implants
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