Root Canal: Purpose, Procedure, and Risks 

Although a common procedure, a root canal is often dreaded more than other dental procedures, but is nothing to be feared. Those suffering from a severe cavity, a chipped tooth, or an infection in the tooth often require root canal therapy. At Cornerstone Dental, we use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to plan our patients’ procedure, thereby minimizing the risk and increasing the efficiency of treatment.

Root Canal Therapy

Endodontic therapy (also known as root canal therapy) is a dental treatment that aims to restore the inside of a damaged tooth, known as the pulp. Several different issues can cause pulpitis, and inflammation of the pulp, such as an infection, a cracked tooth, deep tooth decay, or a faulty crown.

Some people may develop pulpitis due to frequent teeth grinding, which wears down the enamel. Common symptoms of pulpitis are pain and increased sensitivity to heat, cold, and sweets. Those suffering from pulpitis should seek treatment right away. Waiting for treatment can lead to an abscess, swollen neck glands, and a fever.

If the infection spreads to the jawbone or the soft tissues of the head and neck, additional treatment may be required. Although there are other options for patients with pulpitis, root canal therapy is often the most effective and least risky solution.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy aims to remove the inflamed pulp. Once the pulp is removed, the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled with a flexible and rubber-like material that mimics the tooth’s natural structure. This is designed to save the existing tooth by removing bacteria and preventing reinfection.

This addresses the “root” cause of the problem and prevents the infection from spreading to other parts of your body. The procedure is typically performed with local anesthesia and patients can return home on the same day.

When Is a Root Canal Needed?

Tooth pain is caused by a variety of factors and not all of them require a root canal. There are several signs that a root canal may be necessary, including severe pain while chewing, sensitivity to heat, cold, or sweets, pimples on your gums, tooth discoloration, a chipped or cracked tooth, and swollen or tender gums. However, the best way to diagnose is to visit the dentist. 

With the addition of advanced dental technology, like the Sirona ORTHOPHOS SL 3D, a device that provides a 3-D scan of the tooth, Dr. Wright and his team can thoroughly review the tooth, looking for any fractures and the number of canals within each tooth. This device reduces the uncertainty of missing a canal which helps prevent retreatment.

Getting Ready for Your Root Canal

Before a root canal, our team will provide information about pre-and post-operative care, explain the procedure, and answer any additional questions the patient may have. 

We recommend that our patients stop smoking and consuming alcohol before undergoing dental surgery. This is because nicotine and alcohol inhibit the body’s natural ability to heal itself, therefore prolonging recovery. Additionally, we advise people to eat before coming to the clinic because local anesthesia can prevent the ability to eat for a few hours.

The Root Canal Procedure

Usually, only one appointment is needed for a root canal. However, patients with extensive infections might have to come to the office multiple times. The average treatment takes between 30 and 90 minutes. We start by administering the local anesthetic and waiting until the patient can no longer feel their soft tissue. 

Next, we place a small rubber dam over the affected tooth to isolate it from the rest of the mouth. Then, we make a small opening to access the pulp. Through this hole, we extract the damaged tissues and clean the pulp chamber. Once it is disinfected and shaped correctly, we add a temporary dental filling. Most people need a custom-made crown to restore their bite.

Root Canal Recovery

After the root canal, the mouth will feel numb for a few hours and is often swollen. During this time, it’s best not to eat or drink anything except water to reduce the risk of biting and injuring the inside of the mouth. Once patients can feel their face again, we recommend soft foods like mashed potatoes or yogurt. After a few days, patients can resume their regular diet but should restrain from using their treated tooth to chew until the permanent crown is in place.

Oral Hygeine After a Root Canal

Optimal oral hygiene after root canal therapy is key to recovery and prevent additional infection. We recommend patients brush and floss twice a day and use mouthwash to remove harmful bacteria.

Is This Treatment Risky?

Although many people are worried about getting root canal therapy, this treatment is almost always safe and effective. Studies have shown that around 98% of patients have a good experience and long-term relief. However, it’s important to note that this treatment is highly technique-sensitive. If you visit a dentist who isn’t properly qualified or doesn’t have the necessary experience, you might not get the desired outcome.

Is a Root Canal Always the Best Option?

Good candidates for root canals are people who have an infection that is severe enough to have reached the pulp of the affected tooth. While most people with pulpitis are good candidates, it’s worth noting that severely cracked teeth or teeth that are poorly embedded in the jawbone need to be extracted and replaced with an implant instead.

To maximize the chances of retaining the natural tooth, visit your dentist as soon as possible. If you’re experiencing any prolonged tooth discomfort, sensitivity to heat, cold, or sweets, have tooth discoloration, swollen gums, or have a cracked tooth, make an appointment with your dentist right away to see if root canal therapy is necessary.

Are You Need Of Root Canal Therapy In The Martinsburg Area?

If you are in need of root canal therapy you owe it to yourself to speak with an experienced dentist as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our Martinsburg, West Virginia dental office directly at 304.267.6059 to schedule your appointment. We provide a wide range of general dentistry care as well as more involved dentistry services for patients throughout the Martinsburg area and look forward to you joining the Cornerstone Dental family.

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