Wisdom Teeth Removal and Recovery

Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is a routine oral surgery that is performed millions of times per year in the US. Oftentimes, wisdom teeth will start to come in sideways, causing overcrowding and possibly even tooth infections, which will prompt your dentist to recommend getting them removed. You may thinking about getting your or your children’s wisdom teeth removed and wonder how long the recovery process is. Let’s dive in!

Wisdom Teeth Removal & Recovery

Typically, extracting wisdom teeth extraction takes about 45 minutes to an hour for each tooth. However, if all four third molars need removal, the surgery time may vary.

The timeframe is influenced by factors such as the tooth’s position, complexity, and the patient’s oral health. Impacted or partially erupted teeth often require more intricate procedures, so the extraction time may be prolonged.

Additionally, the process of removing third molar teeth might take longer if other treatments are necessary. Patients with infection or gum disease around the wisdom tooth may need a course of antibiotics prior to the extraction, and those with bleeding disorders often require blood tests.

Once the surgery is complete, patients can go home on the same day. Most people spend around one to two weeks recovering from the treatment.

Tips for a Good Outcome

After your wisdom tooth surgery, stick to soft, cool foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies during the initial days. However, it’s important not to use a straw when drinking because this can cause dry socket in the extracted area.

Avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods that may irritate the surgical site. Maintain good oral hygiene by gently rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater several times a day to reduce bacteria and promote healing. As you heal, you can gradually reintroduce a regular diet as comfort allows.

Steer clear of vigorous physical activity for the first few days, as excessive movement may disrupt the healing process. Refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption because these can impede recovery and increase the risk of complications. Follow the prescribed medication schedule and attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your dentist.

What Is Wisdom Teeth Surgery Like?

Wisdom tooth surgery begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. Once the area is numb, your oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the impacted or erupted wisdom tooth.

If necessary, the tooth may be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal. Your surgeon then extracts the tooth carefully, ensuring minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues.

After removal, the surgical site is cleaned, and any necessary stitches are placed to promote optimal healing. Throughout the process, the patient’s vital signs and comfort are closely monitored.

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

The first step is a consultation with the your oral surgeon to discuss any pre-existing medical conditions, medications, or allergies that may impact wisdom tooth removal. Arrange for transportation to and from the appointment, as you may be unable to drive afterward.

It’s advisable to wear comfortable clothing and avoid jewelry or accessories around the face and neck. Plan for a few days of rest post-surgery, ensuring you have sufficient time off work or school to allow for recovery.

Stock up on soft, nutrient-rich foods like soups, yogurts, and soft cheeses to ease eating during the initial days. Follow all our pre-operative instructions, such as fasting or avoiding certain kinds of medication.

Solutions for Nervous Patients

Dental anxiety can lead to increased stress and discomfort for the patient. However, we understand the apprehension associated with oral surgery and provide several solutions for nervous patients.

In addition to creating a calm and supportive environment, options like nitrous oxide and oral medication are available to alleviate anxiety. Nitrous oxide offers a mild sedative effect, inducing relaxation without rendering the patient unconscious.

Oral medication, prescribed in advance, can also help manage anxiety levels during the treatment. If you’re worried about dental surgery, talk to your dentist about your options.

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. The decision is based on factors like oral health, tooth alignment, and potential complications of avoiding wisdom tooth removal.

If the four teeth emerge fully, are properly aligned, and do not pose a risk to surrounding teeth, gums, or overall oral health, they may not need to be taken out. Additionally, those with well-maintained oral hygiene practices may experience fewer problems with their wisdom teeth.

Regular dental check-ups and X-rays help assess whether these teeth are causing any concerns. Your dentist may opt for a conservative approach, monitoring the teeth over time if there are no immediate issues. As soon as the teeth are damaged, infected, diseased, or causing issues with the other teeth, removal is advisable.

Infection and Disease

Infections and diseases occur when the wisdom teeth are impacted, partially erupted, or improperly aligned. The positioning may create challenges for effective cleaning, leading to the accumulation of bacteria and debris around the tooth.

Pericoronitis is a common condition where the gum tissue around a partially erupted wisdom tooth becomes infected. This can result in pain, swelling, and difficulty in maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Moreover, impacted wisdom teeth can contribute to the development of cysts or abscesses, causing more severe infections. These conditions often lead to discomfort and swelling and pose a risk to surrounding bone tissue.

Damage and Crowding

Wisdom teeth may need removal if they are damaged because they can cause pain and disrupt the natural alignment of the dental arch, which can result in bite issues. In some cases, the pressure from wisdom teeth can cause damage to neighboring teeth, which may be displaced.

Dental crowding is a common problem, affecting up to 50% of the population. Often, removing wisdom teeth is the best way of preserving overall dental health.

Tips for Keeping Wisdom Teeth Healthy

If you’re not getting your wisdom teeth removed, or you have to wait for several months before surgery, you have to take special care of these teeth as they can be hard to brush. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean your molars gently.

Flossing around them removes debris and prevents decay in challenging-to-reach areas. Antimicrobial mouthwashes can help control bacteria. Adopt a diet low in sugary foods, and don’t forget to come to the clinic for regular dental check-ups.

What Is the Best Age for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is commonly performed in late adolescence or early adulthood, but the best age is influenced by the eruption timing of these teeth. They typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, although they sometimes erupt as early as 14.

When they start to emerge, your dentist will assess their positioning through X-rays to determine whether removal is necessary. Not everyone requires immediate removal and your dentist may opt to monitor the growth of your wisdom for several years after initial eruptions.

When problems such as misalignment or impaction arise, try to address them as soon as possible to prevent complications like infections or tooth damage. However, the decision to undergo surgery and the exact timing is individualized. 

Do You Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed In The Martinsburg Area?

If you need to have your wisdom teeth removed you owe it to yourself to speak with an experienced dentist as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our Martinsburg, West Virginia dental office directly at 304.267.6059 to schedule your appointment. We provide a wide range of general dentistry care as well as more involved dentistry services for patients throughout the Martinsburg area and look forward to you joining the Cornerstone Dental family.

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