Have A Teeth-Friendly Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and most of us are looking forward to a family dinner of turkey, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. But are these foods good for our teeth, or are we putting our dental health at risk by indulging in Thanksgiving treats? 

We aren’t saying you can’t enjoy the holiday. Thanksgiving is arguably the best holiday when it comes to food. However, there are some things you can do to help keep your teeth healthy during the holiday. Let’s have a closer look at what a teeth-friendly Thanksgiving might look like.

What Foods Are Good For Your Teeth?

Certain foods can help you maintain good teeth health. Opt for meat, cheese, nuts, fresh fruit, and raw veggies for your appetizers. These foods contain vitamins and minerals that are great for teeth’ health. The abrasive skin of raw veggies and nuts also helps remove any excess plaque buildup.

When it comes to the main course and side dishes, many foods are full of sugar, fat, and salt. Look for recipes that include raw or roasted veggies, meat, and fresh fruit. You can also swap ingredients for low sodium, reduced sugar, and low fat content. 

We can’t skimp on dessert, but there are healthier options to choose from. Pies are a typical Thanksgiving dessert but can be loaded with sugar. Opt for an apples dipped in caramel or a pumpkin crisp. Fresh fruit dipped in yogurt or chocolate is also a great option.

What Foods Are Harmful To Your Teeth?

Any food can be made unhealthy and harmful to your teeth. Avoid hard candies, sticky or chewy foods, and foods with high sugar, fat, and salt content. Chips, loaded mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and sweet potato pie are all delicious but full of harmful substances.

It’s important to remember that many drinks contain sugar as well, including fruit juices and soda. If you choose a sugary beverage, it’s best to have it with your meal and drink it in one sitting, rather than sipping on it throughout the day. Stick to water until meal time and be sure to brush and floss after eating.

What Else Should You Avoid?

Drinking too much alcohol can be problematic for your teeth because it increases the risk of tooth decay and erosion. Although alcohol in moderation is ok, long-term consumption can cause lasting effects on your teeth.

Similarly, nicotine can lead to yellowing teeth, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Don’t be tempted to light up a cigarette, especially if you’ve been trying to quit for a while or you don’t usually smoke.

What About Drinks?

We touched on this already, but it’s worth diving further into. Of course, water is the best drink because it doesn’t contain any substances that could cause cavities or discoloration.

Tap water also often contains fluoride, which can help rebuild enamel that has been damaged and keep your teeth strong. However, if you don’t want to stick to water for the entire holiday, there are some healthier alternatives won’t cause damage.

Tea is a good option because it can reduce the bacteria that cause decay in your mouth. Coffee is a good option as well; however, it can quickly turn into an unhealthy drink with the adage of milk and sugar, so limit the excess condiments or drink it black.

Although drinking alcohol regularly is bad for your overall health, some experts believe that red wine can reduce acids caused by bacteria in the mouth as well as contain healthy antioxidants for your teeth and body. A glass of red wine at dinner is fine. 

Time Your Food Intake

People often come to the clinic for a dental cleaning to remove excess plaque buildup. One of the reasons why plaque can build up is that food particles are left in the mouth for too long.

This tends to happen if you snack several times throughout the day without brushing your teeth in between. To help counteract this and improve your dental health, choose 2-3 mealtimes that work best for you. After eating, brush your teeth to remove excess food particles and sugar.

Keep Up with Your Teeth Care

Throughout the Thanksgiving holiday, keep an eye on your teeth care. Are you brushing after every large meal? Are you still taking the time to floss in the evenings, or have you stopped because you have so much else on your mind?

Under normal circumstances, experts recommend that you brush twice a day and floss in the evening before bed. During the holiday season, you might have to be a bit more diligent, especially if you’re snacking throughout the day or consuming excess sugar. Use fluoride toothpaste to protect and strengthen your teeth.

Do You Need Mouthwash?

Mouthwash is a great way to reach the areas in your mouth not easily accessed by your toothbrush. When searching for a mouthwash, look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

Mouthwash can help reduce plaque buildup, bad breath, tooth decay, and the risk of gum disease. Using oral mouthwash alongside brushing and flossing can significantly improve your teeth’ health.

During the busy holiday season, if nothing else, be sure to give your teeth a good rise with mouthwash in-between snacks and meals.

Should You See A Hygienist for a Dental Cleaning After Thanksgiving?

Unless you are due for your regular cleaning or haven’t had a dental cleaning in a while, you shouldn’t need to schedule one after the holidays.

As long as you maintain your oral care routine and opt for healthier foods and drinks, your teeth should be ok after the holidays. However, if you have tooth pain or are experiencing other dental issues, don’t hesitate to schedule a checkup.

Maintaining good care of your teeth over the Thanksgiving holiday is important for the long-term health of your mouth. Opt for healthier foods with low sugar, fat, and sodium content. Stick to eating during mealtimes instead of snacking all day and choose water, tea, or back coffee over other sugary drinks. Brush your teeth after eating and continue flossing and rinsing with mouthwash at night before bed.

Are You In Need Of A Thorough Dental Cleaning Or Dental Examination In The Martinsburg Area?

If you’re in need of a detailed dental cleaning or dental examination please feel free to contact us online or call our Martinsburg, West Virginia dental office directly at 304.267.6059 to schedule your appointment. We provide a wide range of general dentistry care as well as more involved dentistry services for patients throughout the Martinsburg area and look forward to you joining the Cornerstone Dental family.

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