Dental Work Without Insurance

If you don’t have access to dental insurance through employer-sponsored plans, you’ll need to either take out your own dental insurance policy or pay for dental work out of pocket. The cost of dental care largely depends on the type of treatment needed. Today, we’ll have a closer look at getting dental work without insurance.

Dental Work Costs

You may be thinking it’s impossible to get good dental work without insurance. While some dental procedures are expensive and it’s beneficial to have insurance to help cover the costs, not all dental procedures cost thousands of dollars.

Many dental offices offer payment plans to spread the financial cost over a few months instead of one lump sum payment. The cost of common dental procedures vary depending on the area you live in, the clinic you choose, and the experience of your dentist so it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist about prices before going in for a procedure.

More extensive dental care, including tooth extraction, root canal, implant, crown, or braces, is often more expensive and dental insurance can help cover the cost of these types of procedures.

Is Getting Insurance Worth It?

Dental insurance is a great option, particularly for those with dental issues or for those with children. Children often need braces to correct their teeth, which can cost several thousand dollars. While you can pay out of pocket for this, many times dental insurance will help cover all or some of the cost.

If you have fairly good dental health and typically don’t need more than your regular cleaning, you may end up paying more in dental insurance premiums than your cleaning costs. In this case, you may decide to forego dental insurance and pay out of pocket.

Before selecting a plan, you should find out which treatments are covered. Some procedures might require you to pay a hefty copay, and some orthodontic treatments aren’t included.

Understanding In Network vs Out of Network

Before you obtain dental insurance, it’s important to understand the difference between an in-network and out-of-network dental provider. In-network means your dentist participates with your dental insurance and more procedures may be mostly or fully covered. 

Out-of-network means your dentist does not participate with your dental insurance, but they can still submit a claim to your insurance. Your insurance company may or may not pay the same amount for dental work for an out-of-network dentist. By carefully selecting which insurance providers we choose to be in-network with, we are able to provide the optimal care for our patients at an affordable rate.

What Dental Work Paid by Insurance?

While insurance can reduce the amount you pay for dental work, there are typically restrictions. Insurance companies will often set an annual limit that you can’t exceed. If your treatments cost more than the annual limit, you have to pay the rest out-of-pocket.

While cleanings are typically covered in full, other procedures may require a copay, or only a certain percentage is covered by your insurance company.  Cosmetic dentistry for adults is often not covered, so you may still have to pay out-of-pocket for these services.

Additionally, you may be restricted on the dentist you can go to in order to use the benefits or receive the full amount of your benefits.

Paying for Your Dental Work

Whether you have insurance or not, you will likely have to pay some money for your dental work. Here at Cornerstone Dental, we aim to make it as easy as possible for our customers to submit payment. We offer various payment options, including personal checks, cash, money orders, debit cards, and credit cards. 

If you believe that it will be difficult for you to pay for your treatment, we offer no-interest payment plans through Credit Care. We also offer a program called Cornerstone Club for those without dental insurance.

What Is CareCredit?

CareCredit has been developed to make it easier for patients to pay for their healthcare and wellness needs. It is a card that allows people to pay for their treatments over several months or even years. No interest is charged on short-term financing options of up to 12 months as long as the treatment costs more than $200.

There are also longer-term options of up to 60 months, but some interest will be charged. The rate is usually lower than on a standard credit card, so this is a good solution for patients who need a lot of dental work at once and want to pay for it over several years. CareCredit is available for a wide variety of dental treatments, including cosmetics, and can be used for insurance copayments and premiums.

How Often Should I Go to the Dentist?

According to the American Dental Association, there is no one-size-fits all when it comes to dental care. A good rule of thumb is to visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. At that time, the dentist looks at the teeth to determine whether there are any problems, and they might perform an x-ray to find smaller cavities. You should also book an appointment with a dental hygienist, who will clean your teeth and remove any plaque that could cause cavities and infections.

If you have had a persistent toothache for more than a week or are experiencing any other dental issues, you should book an appointment with your dentist right away. Remember, most issues are easier to address early on, so it’s better to schedule a consultation ASAP. That way, small issues can be fixed before they have a chance to spiral out of control.

How Can I Reduce my Dentist Fees?

You can help prevent many common dental issues by taking good care of your teeth. Brush twice a day, using a dentist-approved toothpaste. You should also floss your teeth every evening. If you find this uncomfortable, you can try out various flossing devices that facilitate the process. Most of them are available at regular pharmacies.

Although some kinds of mouthwash can be beneficial, many are too harsh because they kill all the good bacteria in your mouth as well as the bad ones. Therefore, you should ask your dentist before purchasing mouthwash or similar dental products. If you have braces, dentures, or a bridge, follow the optimal care instructions to prevent problems and infections.

Dental work doesn’t have to break the bank. There are several options for those that need dental work outside of regular cleanings.

Are You Searching For A Martinsburg Area Dentist For You Or Your Family?

If you’re searching for an experienced dentist please feel free to contact us online or call our Martinsburg, West Virginia dental office directly at 304.267.6059 to schedule your appointment. We provide a wide range of general dentistry care as well as more involved dentistry services for patients throughout the Martinsburg area and look forward to you joining the Cornerstone Dental family.

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